
- I hear there are great restaurants out west.

- Some of the best... How could she?

- How could you let her go?

- You just don't know! How could we lose Angel?

- Maybe you'll see why when you stop escaping your pain! At least now if you try Angel's death won't be in vain

- His death is in vain!

- Are you insane? There's so much to care about! There's me, there's Mimi

- Mimi's got her baggage too

- So do you!

- Who are you to tell me what I know? What to do?

- A friend

- But who, Mark, are you? "Mark has got his work" they say. "Mark lives for his work" and "Mark's in love with his work". Mark hides in his work!

- From what?

- From facing your failure, facing your loneliness. Facing the fact you live a lie. Yes, you live a lie! Tell you why you're always preaching not to be numb when that's how you thrive! You pretend to create and observe when you really detach from feeling alive

- Perhaps it's because I'm the one of us to survive

- Poor baby

- Mimi still loves you. Are you really jealous or afraid that Mimi's weak?

- ...Mimi did look pale

- Mimi's gotten thin. Mimi's running out of time and you're running out the door

- No more! I've gotta go.

- Hey! For someone who's always been let down who's heading out of town?

- For someone who longs for a community of his own, who's with his camera, all alone? ...I'll call. I hate the fall.
You heard?

- Every word. You don't want baggage without lifetime guarantees. You don't want to watch me die? I just came to say goodbye.

- Glory. One blaze of glory I have to find

- Just came to say goodbye love. Goodbye.
Please don't touch me. Understand, I'm scared. I need to go away

- I know a place. A clinic

- A rehab?

- Maybe. Could you...?

- I'll pay

- Goodbye love. I came to say goodbye love. Just came to say goodbye. Goodbye love.
Hello disease


Postat av: Mumin

har jag nämnt att jag hatar såpor?=P, kom precis på varför=P

2008-05-07 @ 11:18:17
Postat av: Carmen


2008-05-07 @ 17:43:58
Postat av: smultris

alltså, jag har inget att säga om detta för jag har aldrig sett Rent :D

Postat av: Carmen

Men det är ju meningen att du ska lyssna på låten *suckar*
Texten ovan är ju bara låttexten. Jag tycker den är lite ball eftersom att det är en konversation och det tog ett jävla tag (jag är lite trög) innan jag märkte att det var på rim. Rent är bra om man gillar sån typ av musik, annars inte. Slutet är kasst men jag hinner iallafall bli rödgråten ett antal gånger innan dess

2008-05-07 @ 21:00:55
Postat av: smultris

men jag icke tycka om det hära jöööö :/

2008-05-07 @ 21:06:42
Postat av: carmen

Men titta inte på den då :P

2008-05-07 @ 22:25:15
Postat av: smultris

men ja gööööö inte däää jöööö :D

2008-05-08 @ 10:33:07
Postat av: Carmen

men dåså, vad klagar du för? :P

2008-05-08 @ 16:45:02

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